Friday, March 30, 2012

Women of God (by Sara)

Over the last year, there seems to be a reoccurring theme in my journey through Haiti; an area where God has been challenging me to kind of "step out of the boat" and trust him more. For whatever reason, when I come to Haiti, it is the older women who seem to draw my heart. I love children and play with them every second I can get (literally). Yet, on top of this God is revealing to me more and more the position and posture of women in Haiti. For example. many of you are probably familiar with my dear friend - Madam Timachet- who is now at the time I am writing this 109 years old. The moment I met her I was in awe of her story. Her life explanation was summed up like this:

Hello, my name is Virgini, many people refer to me as mama or Madam Timachet. I have 22 children and I am 107 years old. Praise Jesus, as long as I am alive I will help my children. See here, this community, this is my home, this is my people- as long as I have life in my bones I will use it to serve my people

And on and on she went. WOW! We then prayed with Madam Timachet and asked that God would begin to stir up His mission within our lives. I wanted in that moment to be so much like this woman for everything she shared echoed the heart and story of Jesus.

Which brings me to this trip and to today. So how can I become like her? How can I continue doing what I am doing but perhaps create further and more lasting impact? How can I become the kind of 100 year old woman who inspires others to be more like Jesus?  Over the last year, God has begun doing an incredible work in my life and in my heart, shedding away my "outer shell" and filling me with a hunger for only Him. In the process He blessed me with an iincredible apprentice leader. A woman of God who echoes His heart for the lost and broken and who daily seeks His face- no matter the circumstances. I have learned so much from Jacque this past year, and her fresh love for Haiti has been not only encouraging but monumental in our Haiti team's growth and raw love for the country. She has led us all into more times of prayer and abiding. What a gift we have to be able to have Jacque on our team.

But also something else has happened just today that has stirred my thinking even further. Believe it or not, when I am in Haiti I am really not asked that much of. Sure an occasional child might ask for candy, food, or water- sometimes money. Yet, for the most part I am seldom asked to do anything beyond giving something away. Today something unique happened. We visited a beautiful community in the mountains where Pastor Kensnel has partnered to do a children's ministry. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted with smiles and hugs. We then began to make our way into the church when to of the women who were walking with us happen to pull me aside. They asked me right away a very clear question. This being- "will you help us with our women's ministry at church?" This in and of itself was a strange conversation to have because we did just meet and it is really uncommon for such a direct question to be asked right away. Putting the "L" in B.L.E.S.S. (Listening) to practice, I then asked them what they meant by "helping them". They then went one to explain their need for prayer, biblical resources, as well as venues to begin small businesses for their community. From that moment up until now I have continually thought about their "ask".

And tonight as I head to bed and close out one more day in Haiti, I think about all the women I know and have met in Haiti throughout my time in this country. I am not at all clear on what my response will be to their request. I do however know that this country is full of some incredible women tonight. I am very honored to have met some of the youngest and some of the oldest- some of which have given their life away to service to children, their husbands, and their churches; while others I am certain will leave a legacy behind because of their love and self-less lifestyle. Some of these women, such as Jenn Savini and Jacque Arellano- I am learning so much more about Christ through; as I witness daily how they surrender their all to Jesus. And when placed all together, I am honored to be with all of them, partnered together in the work or restoring God's dream here in Haiti.

This post is especially for all of my sisters- for those who have traveled with us to Haiti and for those who teach us while we are here; thank you for being part of this great work. Little by little we will see His kingdom restored here on earth. - We need one another to finish this great work!

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