Friday, March 25, 2011

A Lady and Her Legacy

Every once in awhile, when I travel to another country, I met someone who changes my life, alters my worldview, and deepens my passion for the mission of Christ. This past May I met a lady who did just that in Haiti.

Her name is Madam Toumache, or Virgini. She is the 107 year old matriarch of her community in Carrefour Fueille, Haiti (located in Port-au-Prince). When I first met Virgini, she was surrounded by people, all of whom were calling her "mama". As I was listening to her, I could not believe that a 107 year old woman could have such life and energy about her. She talked about her comnunity, how many children she has ( which is about 23), and how many of those children were pastors. Yet, the one thing that radiated on her face as she spoke, was her undeniable love for her community. As I listened to her speak, I kept saying over and over again in my heart, "I want to be just like her".....

Virgini then took us to the place where her home once stood and where she was trapped for 15 hours after the earthquake. Once she was rescued, she cleaned herself up and then right away went to help rescue others who were still in need of help. "I cannot stop and pray", Virgini shared, "I can only pray as I work because there is so much work to do". With arms lifted in the air, she shared with me that as long as there is life in her bones, she wants to use her life to help others. My eyes and ears were fixated on Virgini for the remainder of the time we were in Carrefour Fueille, hoping that something about what she said, what she did, or her love for her people would "rub off" on me!!!

This past week I received the news that Virgini passed away. When I heard the news, I cried. For the remainder of this week, I've carried this strange sort of heaviness in my heart- a heaviness because an amazing woman, a pillar of her community died in Haiti and I am not sure there are more people like her in her community or even here who can help take up call to live their life as a light for others. Her words keep playing over and over again in my mind, "I can only pray while I work because there is so much to do". Though this week's update may seem a little more somber, let's consider the life of leaders such as Virgini, who endlessly, passionately, and lovingly pour themselves out for the sake of others. Who, even in the context of a devastating earthquake, will help rescue others, open their homes for shelter, give their food away, and share even their own clothes because they realize that their purpose in life is bigger than their current circumstance. These are the real leaders of Haiti and the leaders which World Relief works with everyday to help strengthen and empower to serve their communities.

In closing, I'd like to honor the life of Vrigni with a verse that captures her legacy so well. Luke 10:2, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.

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