Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vini! (Come!) .... by Sara

 It was Friday morning in Haiti when I met my newest little friend. Our team took a 3 1/2 hour journey into the mountainside of Haiti to a small town known as Maisade. Here, in a little blue church, we would meet a most amazing community of Christ followers- and I would meet an incredible little girl. The people were already in the church, awaiting our arrival and as we were entering they were very much alive with worship. Oh how I love to hear my family in Haiti worship! As worship came to a close and the team finished up their time of sharing, a final prayer was said and many of the people hung around to meet and greet the team. 

 I had just finished teaching a small lesson and was putting my things away when a little girl, about the age of 9, slowly walked by me and stopped. I looked down and noticed right away that she was looking at me. I smiled and said "Bonjou" and it was then I noticed she couldn't make eye contact with me, nor could she stand steadily on her own, let alone walk well. To be real honest with you, my initial gut reaction when someone of this physical circumstance is near me, is to remain at a distance because of my own uncertainties of what to do or what to say. It's a sad truth, but perhaps that's how many of us, if we are really honest - react. Sometimes pain and suffering can tend to push us away rather than draw us near.

  Yet, then I heard God whisper gently to me in my spirit, "I've healed this one." And as He said this, I took a step toward her, knelt down, and said to her again, "Bonjou". Unable to make eye contact with me she stood there, holding her mother's hand. Her and I in this awkward limbo for about three minutes. As I knelt there in front of her, she took a step towards me and then fell into my arms, leaning on me for support. It was then that Chris (my Pastor and Haiti-missionary friend) explained that this little girl had been healed. She was at one time completely crippled but the pastor and her mom prayed for her and now she could walk! Wow! - I began to realize right there, in my arms I was holding a real miracle!

  Over the next 15 minutes I would spend a moment with this little one that would deepen my faith as well as my love for Haiti further. Our time together went like this: I would take a step away from her, say to her one word in Creole- Vini! (which means "come"), and stretch out my arms towards her.  In response, without any hesitation she would walk right into my arms. Bliss! And then I'd repeat it all over again.... take a step, maybe two or three, away, say Vini! and she would come to me, falling into my arms. Over and over we would have this small game between ourselves.... and over and over again I kept praying in my heart, "Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus for healing this little one." At one point towards the end she even began to smile and then chuckle to herself. What a beautiful sound that was... and still to this day I have in my mind.

 Praising Jesus with every step she took; as I knelt there with arms wide open, I cheered and celebrated this great miracle. And with each new step she took I thanked God for the continued healing He has yet to bring to her. When one day she will run, not walk, into the arms of her mother, maybe myself if I am privelaged to see her again, and most definitely into the arms of her Healer.

Oh, how much I love and miss Haiti this morning for such simple yet miraculous reasons.

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