So many things are happening everyday here in Haiti. I have been trying to find a moment to sit down and write a few thoughts for all of you- but then I get called away. :) I find a good "busyness" when I come here- one that I really have a hard time saying goodbye to when I return home. This trip in particular has been incredibly exhausting. When I come to the end of the day- I simply have no energy left. Life here is constant and changing and I love it. However, there is a great joy that I find here- a joy that can only be found here (for me anyways). This joy seems to take me by surprise and overwhelm my soul. This joy seems to creep its way into my memory and implant incredible moments for my keeping. This joy cannot be manufactured and cannot be denied.
When I see Lydia playing the drums with a smile in church- surrounded by Haitian children, playing soccer with the children, or saying "I love Haiti"- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Jackie praying for team members to find strength and determination, or hear her share her testimony with others, or sit down and be touched and caressed by little Haitian girls- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Brent helping out with all the supplies we need for the team, speaking to and hugging and showing God's love to Haitian pastors, and even jamming for Jesus on his guitar for worship every night- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Kevin speaking truth in the lives of three young Haitian men, sharing the vision of children's ministry he's been entrusted, or even empowering others to give forth the gifts God has instilled in them- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Rob up by the mountain top view, hear him teach a class of young Haitian students, or put endless smiles on children's faces by just about anything possible- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Betty give give give- more and more to others- constantly asking them if they need help, when I see her holding Anyaka in her arms for hours or sharing her gentleness with the children- my heart is full of joy.
When I see Dan shoveling all the dirt in Leogane :) to help plant mangos, dancing with the children, or working with Haitian men to repair a truck- my heart is full of joy.
There is something so simple yet profound that happens in each of our lives when we take a step out of our own world and enter into another's for HIS name sake. The chasm of foreignness between "them and us" is bridge with the name of Jesus. No longer do we realize that we must be the most gifted or eloquent in speech to love God's people. We do not necessarily need a degree or have the most eloquent of speech to impact a mission.
All we need is HIM in us for this is the hope of all nations- and to offer everything we have and are and jump into whatever He sets before us. Seeing all these Ambassadors doing just that- laying it all on the table and giving God everything they've got not matter what that means- in order to love, touch, and serve the people of Haiti- this fills my heart with joy.
Sara, You are 100% right. This trip was huge for me. There were so many moments that brought beauty and joy to my heart. I would add.... When I see Sara praying over team members throughout the day, caring for everyone's welfare, leading children in Creole worship songs, and loving with all her heart- my heart is full of joy. :) Love you sister.